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Monday, October 8, 2012

How to prevent diabetes

How to prevent diabetes
Diabetes is an illness because the body is not able to control the amount of sugar, or glucose in the blood stream. This causes hyperglycemia, a State of high blood sugar is dangerous

A major factor in diabetes is insulin, a hormone produced by the beta cells in the pancreas. Insulin is given a signal to the body's cells to absorb the glucose. Insulin, a pancreatic hormone works with other so-called glucagon also control the amount of glucose in the blood. When the body produces too little insulin or the body's cells do not respond to insulin appropriately it came to diabetes

Diabetes can often be controlled with low levels of sugar in the food, drink, drugs or insulin injections on a regular basis. Despite that, this disease eventually ask the victim too, sometimes causing complications like blindness and stroke.

In other words, Diabetes can be defined in various ways, but it all boils down to the issue of difficulty in processing carbohydrates.

In type 1 diabetes (which usually is diagnosed in childhood), the pancreas is unable to produce insulin, a hormone that facilitates the metabolism of glucose in the body.

In type 2 diabetes (about 90% of cases occur in adults who are middle-aged or older), the problem of diabetes type is characterized by a reduced ability of the body to use insulin. This condition is called insulin resistance. Over time, the damage occurred in the cells of the pancreas. If the situation gets worse, people who have type 2 diabetes eventually arrived in a condition where the pancreas can't make enough insulin so that the injection is needed.

Thus, there is a spectrum of problems related with sugar, from mild to insulin resistance dependence on injected insulin. And diagnosis of diabetes may occur in its Center, so the important thing is to be aware of is that the process of diabetes on the body starts to happen long before a diagnosis of diabetes.

How deterrence diebetes early
There are several things that can be done to slow or prevent the development of diabetes.

1. Understand Insulin resistance and symptoms.
Process type 2 diabetes started since many years even tens of years before a diagnosis of diabetes, and insulin resistance. Understand the symbols so that they can intervene early
• Insulin Resistance
• The Criterion Of Syndrome Of Insulin Resistance (Metabolic Syndrome)

2. Do periodic inspection

If you are at risk of diabetes or insulin resistance, be sure to perform blood glucose tests each year. If the result goes up over time, though still within the normal range, this is a sign that your body is experiencing difficulty in processing sugar (all carbs break down into sugar).

3. Sports
You don't have to put out to the gym to sweat. Half an hour of walking 5 days per week may help increase insulin sensitivity (the opposite of insulin resistance) and prevent diabetes. Or more active life is also quite helpful.

4. Weight control
Weight loss is relatively small — about 7% of body weight is proven to help prevent diabetes. Strive to remain at a normal weight.

5. Reduce the carbs
There is a call for pushing the high-carb, low-fat diet, it is apparently because they do not think a person can follow a low carb diet. Just think about it: If the body does not process sugar properly, then call it irrelevant, because it would be the more carbohydrates are converted to sugar. We recommend that you eat healthy food and balanced diet, a diet that is low in carbohydrates. The amount of a decrease that is optimal for sufferers of diabetas depends on the glucose tolerance.

The Symptoms Of Diabetes

1. early stage diabetic Symptoms.
Poliuri. The early stage symptoms of diabetes sufferers are characterized by frequent urination, especially at night, and with a lot of volume. The cause is the high levels of sugar in the blood so that the sufferer could not be tolerated by the kidney, and so that the urine is too concentrated not issued, the kidneys must attract a lot of water from the body.

Polidipsi. Symptoms of early stage diabetes called polidipsi this occurs as a result of the first symptoms that your body draws a large amount of liquid, so that the body automatically need the water supply so that the patient continues to feel thirsty and wants to drink constantly.

Polifagi. Symptoms of diabetes in which sufferers often feel limp because insulin is in trouble so that your body cells cannot absorb sugar properly, as a result the body lack energy, and when this happens the brain will respond that the body less food intake. Eventually the patient continues to feel hungry and always wanted to eat.

When the symptoms of diabetes is detected early stage sufferers need it once, then plan a diet carbs and exercising regularly. There is no other way that could prevent you from a more chronic condition.

2. the symptoms of Diabetes is an advanced Stage (acute)
If you feel that you have three symptoms naturally, this means that you are in a zone of acute diabetes. In this condition the sufferer usually often experience tingling, skin feels thick, hot and impaled the needle, easy sleepy and tired, cramping, as well as sexual arousal decreases drastically. If the patient is pregnant, not infrequent miscarriage or fetal death in womb, a baby was born or if they survived, his weight will exceed four kilograms.
As you already know very well with the condition of your body, now is the time to seek treatment. Search for medical help.
Some people find relief by using herbal medicines as a companion to your diet, even complete the recipe given doctor. You prepare a menu low in carbohydrates and fat and show him with drinks or other foods that can lower blood sugar levels in the blood, for example green tea (drunk without sugar), and cinnamon. However, all of this must be consulted first with the doctor.
Knowing the symptoms of diabetes is very important, so we can detect this disease early is always already present in our bodies or not. If we find out early, hopefully not progressed to advanced diabetes, because you immediately take action to resolve it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Help Quick Pick A Heart Attack

"The heart is the organ which is very important for human beings, because the heart is needed to pump blood throughout the body so the body get oxygen and food grains needed for metabolic processes. To that end, the heart needs to be maintained in order to perform its functions properly. Because if there is a disruption of its function, the sudden heart attack can happen anytime and ready the claimed the lives of its victims. "

Current heart disease has become a frightening Specter of Indonesia for the community and the world. Sufferers of heart as if helpless when a heart attack upon. The death of pop icon Michael Jackson and Mbah Surip became evidence of dasyatnya heart attack, whereas the day before they (Michael Jackson and Mbah Surip) appears to be "healthy".

Doctor m. Yamin, SP. JP (K), of a heart attack who spoke in medical terminology known as acute myocardial infarction is indeed often accused as a cause of sudden death. This can be understood because it is generally a heart attack sufferers died before being brought to the hospital. Heart attacks occur due to blockage in the coronary vessels of blood clots.

Coronary vessels are vessels that drains the blood to the heart muscle. Through this vessel, the heart gets oxygen and nutrients so that the muscles of the heart can also contract constantly all day long non-stop. Normal coronary vessels have a smooth wall in, and on a unhealthy coroner, lining the walls of the blood vessels that harden and thicken due to the crust – crust (atherosclerosis). It was centered around Kerak-crust of cholesterol and various cells, including inflammatory cells, leading to blockages.

Blockage of this artery takes blood and oxygen from the heart muscle causing heart muscle is injured. Injury to the heart of this cause chest pain and painful sensations. If blood flow is not restored to the heart muscle in 20-40 minutes could cause death.

Fast Aid

A heart attack is the culmination of a process of disaster damage that lasts a long time. There is a wide variety of early warning signs and sometimes so subtle that many people overlook.

"Sudden heart attack based on or caused by coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is about 80 percent have symptoms, in the sense of perceived by the sufferer. While 20 percent of other patients do not have symptoms, and all of a sudden happened a sudden heart attack, such as chest pain during activity or emotion, "said Dr. Yamin, an alumnus of Syiah Kuala University Faculty of medicine.

According to doctor Yamin, the symptoms of a heart attack can be different for each person. A heart attack probably began with vague pain, discomfort, or a vague sense of tightness in the middle of the chest. Sometimes, a heart attack caused only mild discomfort so often misconstrued as bad indigestion, or even off of the attention at all. On the other hand, a heart attack can present the worst pain I've ever experienced such a tremendous sense of tightness or feeling squeezed on the chest, throat or stomach.

A heart attack, he said, could be about those who formerly known as sufferers of CHD. Sufferers of diabetes, hypertension, hiperkolesterol, and a family history of coronary heart disease with higher-risk having a heart attack than those who had no risk factors. In those with more risk factors, the risk of heart attack increased.

"In the handling of patients who suffered a heart attack sudden required speed. Patients should know that they had a heart attack. If in doubt have doubts, they continue to come to the hospital immediately. Faster, more good to me ndapatkan diagnoses the patient "Dr. Yamin stressed.

Treatment of patients exposed to sudden heart attack, continued Dr. Yamin, was carried out in two ways. First, the patients were given the drug trombolitik or direct drug thinners-clotting blood clotting in the coronary vessels. After it is done pembalonan. The second is Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) primer. On heart patients, in the event of a heart attack, which is accompanied by a State of shock, shortness of breath, heart failure, prolonged pain which cannot be assuaged with the drug, it is a very popular choice primary PTCA.

"For drug trombolitik, the entire medical personnel have been unable to do so. While primary PTCA for acts, not all hospitals do. And the rest of Service medical personnel Integrated Heart At Cipto Hospital (RSCM PJT) is already able to do PTCA primer, "says the man who was taking his doctorate.

Men who have been struggling for years in the world eleven medical tells the story that the primacy of patient handling suffered a sudden heart attack on RSCM is a PJT alignment service. Patients generally suffer from diseases, such as heart disease companion with kidney failure, diabetes, or hypertension. So this makes it easy to service integrated physician to work closely with physicians in other departments or divisions.Get used to Living an orderly and regular Doctor Yamin explained, prevention of heart disease is through upholding primary, where the public is given an understanding of the danger of a heart attack and prevention of early on. That effort could reduce the occurrence of sudden heart attack. All heart patients and the general public in particular needs to be instilled life orderly and regular are entrenched.

Control all risk factors that aggravate heart conditions are already sick with regular medication, diet, disease and strict compliance change lifestyle during this time is not healthy. All daily activities should be scheduled and kept in a timely manner. Meal times, pause, sleeping, working and well organized. Stay away from stress-causing factors and life made more relaxed.

Of course it's not enough to just. Also need to move the body. The most ideal of course walk tergopoh-gopoh (brisk walking) while paying attention to is there any complaints occurred during working. Complaints of chest pain, shortness of breath, and other bad taste should be the instructions to immediately stop whatever activity. Including if appear when being seated. It could be that the shape of a heart attack as well.

Chest complaints during the activity, even when only light activity though at risk for coronary heart disease should be stricken, translated as a form of symptom of coronary heart attack, so that should not be ignored. Abandonment of form heart complaints, the slightest bad impact heart disease, if not directly at the expense of his own life.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Kawasaki Disease

"The majority of our society is not yet know about Kawasaki Disease (KD). But, we have to mewaspadainya, because when the late managed can be fatal. Kawasaki disease also known as mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome is a disease that usually strikes children and toddlers most often at the age of one to two years. The disease is similar at first glance, drug allergy diseases, measles virus infection, or even disease parotitis. Because it's a disease that was discovered by the physician Tomisaku Kawasaki in Japan in 1967 is often wrong diagnosis. "
 Kawasaki disease has three phases, including:

The first phase is a phase of acute. In the acute phase, sufferers have signs such as fever are sudden high and can reach 40 ° C for 5 days or more, eyes are red but no poop, the palms of the hands and feet are red, and there are red spots on the whole body. Lip, oral cavity, tongue, and people with any red or often called Strawberry tongue. In addition people with experience swelling of lymph nodes on one side of the neck, so it is often considered a disease of parotitis (parotitis).
The second phase is the phase of the sub acute. This phase, which began on the day of eleventh day of twenty-five until. In this phase, the fever had already begun to decline and the red spots are reduced. Usually arise Exfoliating skin fingers and toes. In this phase, sufferers experience a complication to the heart of KD in coronary artery disease.
The third phase is the phase of healing. This phase occurs after twenty-five days. On phase in horizontal bands arise on toenails and hands of sufferers called Beau's line.

Dr. Najib Advani SpA (K), MMed. (Paed), consultant Pediatric Heart Disease Kawasaki says many steeped in Indonesia this disease has already started is known since the 1980s. most cases are diagnosed late KD. Whereas the number of cases in Indonesia is estimated to be 5000 KD new cases per year. According to Najib, the man who had been born into a greeting HAVANA since 1996, often patients come too late, in the sense that they've been in the acute phase of the sub where the heart abnormalities has already happened. Patients experienced complications in coronary artery disease in the form of an aneurysm or dilation (at 20-40 per cent of sufferers don't spontaneously heal) with subsequent refinements occurred as a result of coronary artery disease that can lead to fatal myocardial infarction.

"The barriers are not many doctors in the Indonesia who understand this disease. Sometimes parents Kawasaki Disease sufferers who are actively looking for information about this disease. The doctor said this pain and sick of it. But parents who got information from internet asking if her son suffered from Kawasaki Disease ", says Najib is a distinguished alumnus of the University of Indonesia's Faculty of medicine.
Heart Complications

Dr. Najib Advani, head of the Coordination work of the heart child on Indonesia's Bond Pediatrician says, the most worrying thing of Kawasaki Disease is diagnosed when patients being late. Potentially having a heart attack patient coronary removals.He explains this condition were derived from disturbances in coronary blood vessels. State widens blood vessels, weakened, prominent, or aneurysm. Coronary vessel constriction occurs next so that blood flow to the heart muscle will be clogged. As a result the heart muscle is less blood circulation or blood so don't get heart muscle death occurred with the manifestation of a heart attack.

Other changes experienced by sufferers of inflammation (inflammation) of the heart muscle (miokarditis) and the liquid in the bag that surrounds the heart (perikarditis). Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) and inflammation of the heart katuKDatup (valvulitis) can also occur. This can lead to sudden death a few years later. When sufferers can be handled or declared to be healed by doctors, in clinical coronary heart disease can appear later in adulthood.
The cost of expensive

According to Dr. Najib Advani due to unknown cause to KD this time haven't been able to performed precautionary measures. Fortunately there are already remedies to cure KD origin just isn't late. He explained that diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki Disease sufferers should get custody of the children's cardiologists. Patients must be treated in inpatient hospitals and got thoroughly monitoring.

"Examination of the heart becomes very important. Including ECG and ekokardiografi (heart ULTRASOUND). Sometimes ultrafast CT scan, MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) and cardiac catheterization is required in that case. Laboratory examination for the disease is no typical. Usually the number of white blood cells, blood creep rate, and C Reactive Protein (CRP) increased in acute phase, "said doctor Najib Advani.

Drug prices are expensive, he said, become obstacles in the process of healing the patient. Kawasaki Disease patients should consume imunoglobulin need drug two grams per one kilogram of body weight. The price of one gram of IDR revolve around 1.2 million.

"If the sufferer has a weight of 15 Kg for example, means he needs 30 grams of imunoglobulin or costing about 36 million. In addition, patients are also given imunoglobulin salicylic acid to prevent damage to the heart and the coronary vessel blockage, "said cardiologist doctors this kid. He explained, if it does not happen on the healing process, complication of patients can be discharged in a few days. In the case of a late and coronary vessel damage already happened, sufferers need a longer hospitalization and intensive treatment in order to get prevent damage heart more.

Then when the drugs didn't work, sometimes required coronary bypass surgery (bypass coronar), or even, although very rarely, a heart transplant. Death can occur in one to five percent of sufferers are generally handled, and culminated in the late going on 15-45 days after the initial onset of fever. If there is a fever toddlers up to five days, his eyes and his lips are red, the possibility of having Kawasaki Disease. If so then parents need to think about the possibility of bringing his son to the KD and cardiologists children in several major hospitals which have the facilities fully equipped like pemeriksan heart in PJT, RSCM

Friday, September 7, 2012

How to treat acne

Keep in mind that acne is a condition where the skin pore-hole experience that resulted in the blockage of the onset of inflammation. This inflammation usually causes the emergence of pockets of pus in the skin, especially the face. The cause of acne is hormonal changes generally stimulating the production of excess oil glands in the skin, dead skin cells, bacteria, cosmetics, and effects of drugs. Acne usually occurs in teenage age much, but not closed the possibility of also attacking adults.

This one disease often makes the sufferer does not pecaya myself, because the face is tarnished by small bumps are red and yellow. Think not confident is not rarely result in the sufferer is not able to get rid of acne on his face through a shortcut, i.e., break it down with your fingernails. Whereas this can lead to acne scars is black which has to be eliminated.

To avoid or treat facial skin full of acne, it needs powerful ways to remove acne so as not to spread to other parts of the face. First you should know the prohibitions to avoid acne sufferers, because dealing with acne should not be random.
How To Treat Facial Breakouts
In order to avoid acne does not multiply, acne sufferers should really implement tips caring commitment face breakouts:

Don't be too often touch or hold hands is part of acne due to parts of the body which is full of bacteria. Often touching Acne can lead to Acne thrives. Despite the weight, try to avoid the desire to touch the face.
Don't break up the acne, let alone an acne is still new, growing as this can cause inflammation of the skin and causes black stains of acne scars.
Try to keep the selalau facial skin is always clean from dirt, good morning, afternoon, and evening the match with skin conditions.
Avoid discharging material perias cosmetic face or before going to bed.

How to remove acne with natural remedies
Lots of tips on how to cope with acne, one of them by using a natural remedy that comes from plants. Here's how to eliminate acne using natural remedies:
  • Prepare 2 or 3 pieces of papaya leaves an old one
  • Drain the papaya leaves with the sunlight
  • Combine the papaya leaves with water to taste, then crushed and squeezed to take extracts.
  • Apply papaya leaf extract on acne.
How to treat acne with Potent Anti Acne Medicines
The second way was written based on the experience of the author himself. Ancient authors include people, but such spotty acne gradually lost until it ultimately disappeared altogether from the facial skin until now after using the following methods:

Try to keep the skin clean by using a facial cleanser from cucumber fruit extract
Avoid the prohibitions set forth in the above tips
Use acne Acne medicine La Tulipe Series at night before going to bed.
Do regularly and keep the face skin from the prohibitions listed above to the acne really lost.

The second way is indeed mention la Tulipe Acne acne Medicine Series, but did not contain any element of a promotional product acne medications. These Tips are taken because it is true that the way this really did the trick. Hopefully there are powerful acne medications called last still sold until this very second and match the skin of your face.

You might also be interested to know what suits natural remedy to get rid of acne scars or what a powerful natural remedy to get rid of blackheads for you who relieve hardship or blackheads acne scars on the face.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to prevent Rheumatic

Arthritis is a disease that attacks the joints and structures around it. Arthritis can attack the head to toe. Arthritis commonly referred to as arthritis in General disease is characterized by several symptoms, such as swelling, redness, pain in the knees, elbows, wrists and other parts of the joints, muscles and tendons in the disorder. rheumatic symptoms are quite extensive. Rheumatism consists of 150 types. But there are four types of arthritis that most often encountered in our society that is caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis pengapuran out that attack network outside of the cartilage, arthritic inflammation, and arthritis caused by pengeroposan. Rheumatic Diseases A place where rheumatic diseases About 50 percent of complaints of aching joints caused by pengapuran. Pengapuran means the depletion of cartilage tissue that act as bearing joints.
Bearings in the joints wear out that led to bone friction causing pain. Pengapuran is a process of degeneration which began at the age of 40 years. Speed the process of degeneration differs in each person. A person's joints can start trouble in their 40s. However there are people who until the age of 70 's sendinya fine. The slowness of the process last quick is determined by a number of risk factors, among others: quality of cartilage and overweight. Cartilage good conditions will be more resistant to wear.
Like a car tire if the quality is good then the joints not easy though worn long. aus Most types of arthritis afflicting the world's population is reumatoid arthritis (AR) i.e. rheumatoid arthritis, gout (uric acid) which is caused by excessive levels of uric acid in the blood, and osteoarthritis (OR), namely the pengapuran joints. According to dr.Riardi Pramudiyo, SpPD-KR from RS.Hasan Sadikin Bandung, OR joint disease is the most common. These diseases are degenaratif, that number increases with increasing it took ages. Accompanying symptoms include pain in the joints, as do sufferers, or activity when weather changes from summer to winter.
As disclosed, the originator OR Riadi usually because there are other diseases or circumstances. Is not yet known what causes primary, but the causes of the secondary could be because people are overweight, so load that must be supported by the knee is too large, or because of excessive wear of the knee, such as professional football players, he said. Other types of rheumatic fever that many suffered arthritis reumatoid Indonesia society is (AR). The disease is most often attack the age group 20-50 years. A common symptom found is stiff joints when waking and difficult patients move. Rheumatism in people who were prolific generally caused inflammation. This inflammation can be due to uric acid or other causes. Rheumatism due to uric acid is found in many old male 30s and 40s years. This type, according to Dr. Harry Isbagio, occurs due to an excess of metabolism that results in joint purin buried. The cover of this cause pain in the joints. Harry often encountered misunderstandings doctors community regarding uric acid.
Patients often come to consult while carrying uric acid test results. They ask why a normal uratnya acid but doctors diagnose exposed rheumatism. They misunderstand the matter of rheumatism. Not all rheumatism caused gout, he explained. Autoimmune disorders such as Lupus disease including type of arthritis caused by inflammation. In this immune disorder does not function as a virus or bacteria, the exterminator foreign objects that enter the body. Thus immune damage healthy tissue, including existing networks in joints. Likewise with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). The disease including inflammation of joints that cause is still unknown. According to the Encyclopedia of Public Health, there have been indications that genetic patterns responsible for the onset of this disease. RA can strike anyone at any age, including babies.
Inflammatory disease occurred on synovial tissue in the joints. This network serves to make the fluid lubricant of the joints. In RA, the network was patient swells and shows many cells are inflamed. Prevent and treatment of Rheumatism, Abstinence According to current drugs, Riadi on the market no one could cure rheumatic diseases. That medicines only to reduce pain and prevent further joint damage. Rheumatism treatment is usually long-term, he said. If the patient has arthritis strikes until the stage of deformities of the joints (joint deformities) then the total cost of treatment includes expensive, there are even drugs that cost tens of millions of dollars once the injection. Drugs commonly given doctors on patient rheumatic fever among others the analgesic (pain reliever), which can suppress the inflammatory prostaglandins, heresy. This drug has the side effect of gastric disorder. Therefore, the presence of such drugs more specific such as rheumatic celecoxib, greeted excited because it has small side effects on the stomach and kidneys.
The other is a corticosteroid drug, to address inflammation (inflammation) and suppress the immune system so that the inflammation in arthritis is reduced. This can be a form of medicine that cream on the skin or injection of dioles. Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects such as swelling, increased appetite, weight loss, riding as well as emotions are unstable. In addition to medication, to reduce soreness can also be done without drugs, e.g. with ice compresses. "Compress ice can lose pain threshold and reduces enzyme function," Riadi said. Later, many types of vegetables can be consumed with rheumatism, celery juice, for example, cabbage or carrots can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
Several types of herbs can also help fight arthritis pain, such as ginger and turmeric, celery seed, Aloe Vera, rosemary leaves, aroma therapy, or juniper oil can remove swelling in the joints. Maintain ideal body weight is one of the wise steps to reduce pain in the knee joint. Any extra weight burden knee joints and pelvis, and adds to the pain due to arthritis. In addition excess body weight increase the risk of gout. Lightweight sports like foot is helpful to sufferers of rheumatism due to uric acid. This is because the road leg burn calories, strengthens the muscles and build strong bones without disturbing the joints pain. To do sports should ask the opinion of a doctor or therapist, so knowing the best movements. It is advisable to avoid sports that overload the knee. Badminton, volleyball, tennis, jogging, self-defense should not be done. Especially when arthritis type gout was kumat.
Standing too long will cause tremendous pain, he said. In addition to treating, we could also prevent the arrival of this disease, such as not doing exercise in excess, keeping the weight remains stable, as well as to keep food intake is always balanced according to the needs of the body, especially a lot of consuming fish from the deep ocean. If you feel not quite consume sea fish, consuming supplements could be an option, especially those containing omega 3. In omega 3 contained a substance which is very effective for keeping the joints to stay limber. Do not think lightly of arthritic symptoms arise. As soon as the pain began to appear, check with your doctor as soon as possible to detect which one is just sore that is usual or sciatica symptoms of rheumatism.

Monday, August 27, 2012

How to prevent prostate cancer.

The last ten years, an increase in the prevalence of prostate cancer is very sharp. "Between 50 to 260 per cent its increase is," said experts from urology and Oncology medical faculty Prof. dr Rainy Umbas.

The prostate is a gland that its name is wrapped by the muscles fibers. "It is in the male pelvis," said Rainy.

This is the function of the prostate as a function of reproduction for both men. Prostate fluid makes to nourish sperm. Its not too big, but its function is vital. "Can be problematic even if its small large like this," he said at an event to "identify and beware of prostate cancer" in Jakarta.

Prostate problems will arise if a small glands undergo mutations and began to grow out of control, called with prostate cancer. Before the stage, prostate cancer is also often experience problems and disorders. At a young age, if men often experience stress, inflammation of the prostate is often referred to by undergoes a prostatitis.

The prostate can also be enlarged, but had experienced violence. "It's called benign prostate enlargement," he added. The issue is most critical is when it's already experienced a stage of prostate cancer. Cancer here means its growth could not have been more controlled.

Experts have not been able to call with certainty the cause of prostate cancer. That is clear, according to the Rainy, this disease is not contagious. "However, it could also be due to heredity, though small, only about five percent," he said.

In addition, many patients who undergo prostate cancer, comes to a doctor in a State that was too late. "They come already severe, so could not be treated with maximum," he added.

Since young
According to experts, cancer, urology Dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, is the first cause of death. This disease, his opinion, many suffered by people living in developing countries, especially in people who cannot avoid foods dangerous, carcinogenic food. This, for example carcinogenic food is food that contain formaldehyde, dyes, and also rhodamin substances harmful to other commonly added to foods.

Cancer is often not detected its presence. According to the Aru, cancer may take 15 to 20 years to develop. For it to be spared from this disease, should start getting used to a healthy lifestyle at the time was 20 's years. "Thirty percent of cancers could be prevented in real terms because the cause is an error in the diet," he said.

Prostate cancer growth is running slow. To that end, in order to be spared from this disease, the people should be careful and should adam with his lifestyle. Some of the things that makes the risk of prostate cancer is so large is that lifestyle factors. People who are fond of eating foods that contain high fat, then exposed to risks of cancer were higher.
Not only food issues. According to Rainy Umbas, got less sunlight can also heighten the risk. Exposure to heavy metals and carcinogenic substances can also heighten the risk of this. "Obviously, it's usually a hit is men over 50 years old," he said. Previous family history can also be a risk factor for this disease, but not too high. Some particular race also could lead to the risk of infection is higher.

In addition to the risk factors, there are also some things to be factors restricting mengganasnya prostate cancer. With many consume antioxidants from green tea, fruits, foods that contain too much, such as tomatoes, lycopen will hamper the development of this cancer. "It also could eat with plenty of soy and its products such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk," he said.

The two symptoms

There are two symptoms to indicate prostate cancer, the symptoms of the disorder that has not been severe and who are already severe. On stage which have not been severe, there are several disorders that are beginning to look when men piss. For example is often awakened at night just to piss. In addition, during the day, often to pee over and over.

The patient also felt the stream of piss started to weaken. "Sometimes often ngeden," said Rainy. Other symptoms, if this is felt the piss runs out, it didn't seem there has been completed.

For severe symptoms, usually there is blood coming out while being extracting sperm piss or was. In addition, sufferers also typically experiencing erectile dysfunction and lower limb growing weak.

In addition, patients also often have pain his bones. Among other things, spine, hip, and groin. Find the appropriate experience symptoms it is already sufficient to immediately to the doctor.

Prostate cancer becomes a threat to men. The growth of prostate cancer are often very slow, even could not show symptoms for years. Whereas the handling of prostate cancer is very complex. So rather than treat the better we prevent it. Askmen (25/4) leaked four fun ways to prevent the development of prostate cancer.

Although people often masturbated often strange, but apparently stamped some research shows masturbation could be one way to prevent prostate cancer.

According to a study in 2004 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, to get the benefits of protection against prostate cancer, then ejaculate by as much as 12 times per month (masturbating or having sex) it needs to be. Moreover, any increase in ejaculate per week three times with regards to decline 15 percent of prostate cancer.

Then how could protect men from risk ejaculate prostate cancer? A theory explains that it is possible to clean the penis yourself carcinogens (poison). In other words, mastrubasi can clean your cock.

It's no secret anymore if the sport is one of the most potent means of prevention of the disease. Because as human beings, we are required to always be active. Exercise increases circulation, immune system and raise energy levels. You can join the aerobic workouts, jogging, mountain biking, or even dancing.

Breakfast cereals

If you are looking for a way to prevent a glut of prostate cancer, choose natural flax series high and try to replace cow's milk with soy milk. Hemp and soy milk contain active ingredients that fight against prostate cancer.

Eat spicy marinara sauce

Marinara sauce is typical of Italy made from tomatoes. Tomatoes are a source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may reduce the growth of prostate cancer in men. In fact, the tomato is just one of several food anti prostate cancer. Eating these foods with creative combinations like marinara sauce was just one of four exciting ways to prevent prostate cancer.

Friday, August 10, 2012

How To Cure Brain Cancer

Many ways and various treatments to cure brain cancer, chemotherapy, consume a substance containing chemical-though in doing to cure brain cancer. We know how to cure brain Cancer naturally without the use of chemicals and does not cause efeksamping and dependence if we continue to mengkonsumsinya. It will be good first we discussed about brain cancer:

Definition Of Brain Cancer
Brain cancer is a killer who worked silently. presence of a brain tumor is sometimes very difficult to detect. Common symptoms of brain cancer was the head of dizziness and nausea/vomiting.
Brain cancer can be caused by a variety of things. The cause can be one or more, and in General can be divided into two categories:

Internal factors

A factor that comes from within oneself. The main one is the heredity/genetic. If there are relatives who have a history of suffering from brain cancer, it means that your chances of getting brain cancer are greater than those whose families do not have brain cancer sufferers. A second factor that can trigger the onset of brain cancer is the collision of history (if you're ever stuck to the head). These collisions can cause trauma to the brain tissue, so that it could be the cause of the abnormal growth of tissue in the brain (which can then be developed into brain cancer).

External factors

A factor that comes from outside the body, generally in the form of food and radiation. Certain drugs are taken on an ongoing basis could potentially cause cancer. Other factors:

The less healthy life patterns: for example smoking, fatty foods, lack of fiber, etc.
Karsiogenik ingredients: cooking oil, which is used repeatedly, the chemicals consumed
Radiation: radiation exposure in a specific wave could trigger the growth of cancer cells

Characteristics of early brain cancer vary widely, depending on which parts of the brain are stricken. For example, the head feels dizzy or nauseous. The following symptoms of brain cancer that You ought to beware of:
  • Headache accompanied by nausea vomiting up spray
  • Reduced vision
  • Decreased awareness or behavior change
  • Disorders of speech
  • Hearing loss
  • Walking disorders/body balance
  • Nerve disorders
  • Member motion weakened or seizure
  • In infants usually Cantle great prominence
Remember, the above list is only a symptom. If you experience one or more of the symptoms above, you are not necessarily affected by brain cancer. To be sure, You should be checked by a doctor and neurologist undergo advanced such as CT scans, MRI, angiogram, myelogram, spinal tap and a biopsy.

How To Cure Brain Cancer With Natural Medicine
How to cure brain Cancer naturally without causing efeksamping and chemical substances by consuming natural remedy, because these drugs are made from mangosteen leaves skin and which has its own substance soursop to treat brain cancer. Why mix these materials capable of curing the disease of brain cancer and what outstanding virtues contained in both of these natural materials as a way of curing brain cancer this?? Maybe it's so your question. Check out below.

Benefits of the mangosteen rind >>>> as a natural remedy to cure brain cancer, skin the antioxidant power of the mangosteen has a remarkable who are able to counteract the free radicals. These free radicals enter through food consumed and becomes the leading cause of heart disease, stroke, cancer and others. Antioxidants in the mangosteen rind was cast as immunity, antibiotics (ampisilin and minosin), antiviral, antifungal, anticancer, antidiabetes and anti-inflammatories. High antioksidannya content makes the skin of the mangosteen is said to have anticancer. The reason, may encourage cancer cells to apoptosis or cell destruction of the kankernya. In addition, the nature of the mangosteen rind was hindering the growth of antiproliferasi i.e. the cancer cells. Cancer can be treated by an antioxidant in natural medicine of brain cancer on the mangosteen rind was breast cancer, blood cancer (leukemia), gastric cancer, lung cancer, cancer of the colon (large intestine) and liver cancer. Mangosteen fruit skin as a natural remedy To Cure brain cancer can be made into drug kemotherapi and reduce the impact of kemotherapi.     
XANTHONE is also said to be anti-bacterial as it may inhibit the growth of bacteria Mycobacterium tubercolosis (TBC) and Staphylococcus aureus (bacterial infection causes and digestive disorders).

Benefits of soursop leaf >>> as a natural remedy to cure brain cancer, soursop leaf has other benefits besides remarkable fruits for consumption i.e leaves nourish soursop who became brain cancer the best natural remedy. Soursop leaf contain anti-cancer substances (Annonaceous Acetogenin) which has a remarkable ability to kill cancer cells without disturbing the healthy cells in the body.A wide range of research conducted in different parts of the world find remarkable fact leaves soursop has advantages in the way it works in fighting cancer cells with the most primary efficacy that is capable of holding 10,000 cancer cells more powerful compared to chemotherapy.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to prevent breast cancer

How to prevent breast cancer-health Tips, breast cancer is a disease that is most feared by women. Ten years ago, experts consider that breast cancer is not a disease that can be prevented and it is difficult to be healed. However, researchers now have a lot of know how to prevent it, although there is no way to heal that potent. However, by knowing how to prevent it, we can reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. There are 5 ways that you can do to prevent getting breast cancer. These combined results of prevention in terms of medical and alternative therapies.

Just go ahead and let us read how to prevent breast cancer exposed to medically, namely:

1. Breast cancer prevention Drug.
Women with high risk, namely that survive/survivor of breast cancer or are at least
have a blood relationship with cancer sufferers (mother or sister), can get
Tamoksifen therapy, which works by blockading of estrogen effect triggers tumor.

2. Before the attack cancer. Mastectomy
For women from families with genetic risk is very high, there is a mastectomy for
Prevention of breast cancer. It is an approach that is radical, but most
successfully. This lifts mastectomy breast tissue, but not entirely, so that the possibility of
the cancer is still there.

Whereas prevention naturally include:

1. Exercising on a regular basis.
Research shows that in line with the menigkatnya activity, then the risk of breast cancer will
reduced. Exercising will menurukan levels of estrogen produced by the body, thus reducing the
the risk of breast cancer.

2. Reduce fat.
You certainly already often hear conflicting opinions about the relationship between cancer
breast with fatty foods. Some research suggests that low-fat diets
help prevent breast cancer. Other research shows that there is no relationship
between FAT and breast cancer ... A recent study suggests that the more important thing is
This type of fat is not the amount of fat consumed.
This type of fat that triggers breast cancer is the saturated fat in meat, butter, food
contains full-cream milk (whole-milk dairy foods) and fatty acids in margarine.
While these types of fats that help prevent breast cancer is not fat-saturated in
olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and other cold water fish.
Saturated fat in meat and dairy products and fatty acids in margarine increase levels
estrogen in the blood, whereas non-saturated fats in olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids in
fish do not cause an increase in estrogen levels in the blood.

3. When you consume meat, don't get cooked too ripe.
In spite of the saturated fat contained in meat, the way you cook meat will affect
the risk of breast cancer. Meats were cooked/baked produce carcinogenic compounds
(amino heterocyclic). The longer cooked, more and more of these compounds are formed. Heterocyclic Amino
at most there are in the outer layers of roasted meat (skin) and black footed.

4. Eat more fruit and vegetables.
The more fruit and vegetables are eaten, the reduced risks for all cancers,
including breast cancer.
Food from plants containing anti-oxidants which are high, such as vitamins A, C, E and
the mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that could be the cause of the occurrence of cancer.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends to consume fruits and vegetables at least 5
(five) times a day. But it should be avoided that fruit and vegetables contain a lot of fat, such as
fried potatoes with cream pies or banana.

5. Consume anti-oxidant supplements.
Supplements cannot replace fruits and vegetables, but it is an anti-oxidant formula can be
food that can be interpolated to prevent breast cancer.

6. Eat more fiber.
In addition to functioning as an anti-oxidant, fruits and vegetables also contain lots of fiber. Food
fibrous would tie estrogen in the digestive tract, so it was in my blood will

7. Eat more tofu and food containing soy.
Food-food that comes from a lot of soybeans contain estrogen herbs (it-estrogen).
As with tamoksifen, it is similar to the body's estrogen, but weaker. It-estrogen
bound to the cell receptor that is similar to estrogen, and it came out of the body cells breast
thereby reducing the effect triggers breast cancer.
In addition to blocking the estrogen receptors of the body to reach the cells, food berkedelai also accelerate
expenditure of estrogen the body.

8. Eat more nuts.
In addition, it-estrogen in soy also occurs in other types of nuts.

9. Avoid alcohol.
A lot of research that shows that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of cancer
growing breasts due to alcohol increases estrogen levels in the blood.

10. Watch your weight.
Weight gain every pound after the age of 18 years will increase the risk of breast cancer. This
due in line with increasing body fat, then estrogen hormone levels as
trigger breast cancer in darahpun will increase.

11. Avoid xeno-estrogens.

Xeno-estrogen that is estrogen which come from outside the body.
Women consume estrogen from outside the body especially those of oestrogenic hormones residues
contained in meat and pesitisida residues oestrogenic. Xeno-estrogens can allegedly improve
blood estrogen levels so that adds to the risk of breast cancer.
The best way to avoid the xeno-estrogen is by reducing the consumption of meat, poultry
(chicken-duck) and dairy products (whole-milk dairy product).
But you don't have to worry about with a lot of eating fruit and vegetables, since the effects of anti-oxidants and
content of seratnya more than the effect of residue pestisidanya.

12. Basking under the Sun.
The increased incidence of skin cancer (Melanoma malignant hypertension) makes us fear of the rays
the Sun. But a little sunshine could help prevent breast cancer, because at the time of
the Sun on the skin, the body make vitamin d. Vitamin D will help breast tissue
absorb calcium and thus reduce the risk of breast cancer. In order to obtain sunlight
for 20 minutes/day, it is recommended to walk under the Sun during the day or evening.
But if you want to get calcium or vitamin D not of sunlight, you can
try to consume a food supplement.

13. Don't smoke.

Smoking increases the risk of breast cancer.

14. Breast feeding/give BREAST MILK to your child
For reasons that are still unclear, breastfeeding is associated with reduced risk of cancer
the breast before the time of menopause.

15. Consider again before using hormone replacement therapy (Hormone
Replacement Therapy = HRT).

There are several good reasons to do a HRT after menopause period, namely reducing risks
heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. But HRT will increase the risk of cancer
breast. Discuss with your doctor and consider the risks which may arise, because
most women have higher risk of suffering from heart disease, rather than cancer
Finally, one more thing that can affect the risk of getting breast cancer is stress.
Medical literature States that stress can menigkatkan the risk of breast cancer. But research
about this is still controversial. However, it doesn't hurt to start to troubleshoot
stress in your life through meditasai, yoga, tai chi, gardening or other relaxing activities.
For women from families with genetic risk is very high, there is a mastectomy for
Prevention of breast cancer. It is an approach that is radical, but most
successfully. This lifts mastectomy breast tissue, but not entirely, so that the possibility of
the cancer is still there.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

4 Cancer risk factors

Cancer is a disease that is increasingly common in the modern era. This is partly due to longer lifetime. Results: the average life expectancy of most of the world's population increased in the twentieth century on this one. Parents are more at risk of getting cancer, thereby increasing the number of sufferers of cancer among residents. In addition, medical engineering has evolved so that different types of tumors are more easily detected. In ancient times the cancer instead of none, but often unknown because it has not advanced the world of medicine.

An increasing number of cancer patients is also a result of a change in our lifestyle. The way of life of modern society is experiencing dramatic changes. Radiation exposure from computer screens, cell phones and televisions, air pollution, food additives substances, pesticide residues, and other alleged acts increase the risk of cancer. Unbalanced Diet and excessive use of salt and sugar are also contributing.

Cancer are on the rise not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. No country in this world who really spared from cancer. However, there are differences in the type of kankernya. In Europe and the US, for example, breast cancer, prostate cancer and kolerektal cancer is the most common. In Indonesia, the lung cancer is relatively more widespread among men due to the habit of smoking. In women, cervical cancer is relatively more infected due to lack of awareness and prevention efforts for the HPV virus into its originators.

Is It Cancer?
Cancer is a condition in which some of the body's cells are damaged and cannot be repaired by the body. The cells were then grown and splitting is abnormal and out of process control normal body. The abnormal cells are called cancer cells.

Cancer cells can grow together as a mass called a tumor which replaced the normal cells in tissue or organ. Cancer cells can interfere with the function of the organs in which they appear, and they also can spread to surrounding tissue or through the lymph and blood flow to other organs. Cancer cells that have spread from their original site to other organs is called "metastatic."

Who is at risk of getting cancer?

Cancer can attack all walks of life no matter the background and current status of the economy. However, the risk of getting cancer is higher if You:

1. Aged over 55 years
Cancer is a disease that increases the risk when you're aging. The elderly, the greater the risk you are exposed to cancer. In children and adolescents, a relatively rare cancer. More than half of the cancers struck after the age of sixty years. The main reason why new cancer appears in old age is its growth is slow. The development of cancer is sometimes very slow and can only be detected at an advanced stage. Cancer may develop many years without You even knowing.

2. overweight (obesity)
If Your BMI is 30 or more, you have obesity. Experts have concluded that cancer of the colon, breast, endometrium (Uterine lining), kidney, and esophagus is related to obesity. Several studies have also reported a link between obesity and cancer of the gall bladder, ovaries, and the pancreas.

Prevent gaining weight can reduce cancer risk. Experts advise you to maintain healthy eating habits and physical activity early in life in order to prevent overweight and obesity. Those who are already overweight or obese are advised to avoid gaining weight, and lose weight through a low calorie diet and exercise. Even the weight loss is only 5-10 percent of the total weight can be beneficial to health.

3. The Smoking
You would already know that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. Almost 90% of cases of death due to lung cancer in males and 80% in women are caused by smoking. However, note also that smoking may trigger the development of other cancers, including cancer of the oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, bladder, stomach, kidney, cervix, and pancreas. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals. More than 40 of them are cancer triggers substances (carcinogens).

4. Have a genetic predisposition to cancer exposed

In most patients, the cause of cancer is the result of a progressive accumulation of sporadic mutations and/or genetic changes epigenetik lifetime. This is called somatic mutations, which only affect specific network and is not inherited. In a small percentage of other cancer caused by defects, gene inheritance. Some people are born with mutations of genes inherited from their mother or father. Gene defects that generally this tumor suppressor genes is making them vulnerable exposed to cancer.

Cancer patients often get cancer in legacy a younger age compared with the general population and may be bequeathed 50% of potential to his descendants.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Benefits of beans


Beans, who is not familiar with these vegetables? But you may not yet know that the beans are not native to Indonesia. Even the name of beans comes from the Netherlands boontjes. Phaseolus vulgaris vegetable called latin this allegedly originated in Peru. From there, the chickpea spread throughout South and Central America before it was introduced to Europe around 16th century by Spain and later spread to other parts of the world by Spain and Portuguese traders. Currently, the largest commercial producer of fresh beans include Argentina, China, Egypt, France, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, France, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, and the United States.
Healthy vegetables

Beans is beans are healthy. The gizinya very much. For every 100 grams of beans was sufficient to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C 20%, 18% and 13% of Vitamin K vitamin a. Additionally, there is a lot of fiber and various vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B11. Beans also contain minerals, such as manganese, molybdenum, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and copper.

The phytonutrients in beans including various carotenoids and flavonoids which have strong antioxidant effect. Because it is green, you may not have thought that beans provides a number of karoteniod that are usually present in vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes. Recent research has confirmed the presence of lutein, beta-carotene neoxanthin, violaxanthin, and in beans. We do not see it due to carotenoid klorofilnya thick. The flavonoids in beans, kaemferol, include quercetin, catechin and epicatechin as procyanidin.
Good for blood vessels

According to some research, the antioxidant capacity of the string as a whole is larger than a similar meal in the family nuts like peas or beans. Antioxidant capacity that provide direct benefits to the cardiovascular system. The benefits of common bean especially coming from pea seeds embedded in it. In a study in mice, beans look may depress blood fat levels increase and protect cells from oxidative damage. Although it has not been researched to date, omega-3 fatty acids in beans may also contribute vital on the benefits of kardiovaskulernya. Beans contain a number of fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid omega-3 (ALA). There is 1 milligrams of ALA for every 4 calories string beans you eat.
Good for diabetes patients

Because diabetes is thought to be caused by chronic inflammation in the digestive system, the antioxidant capacity of the beans is very helpful for patients with diabetes. In addition, the content of seratnya to make the release of glucose is carried out gradually into the blood. There is no blood sugar surge unexpectedly.

By helping digestion, fiber is also useful for people who do not suffer from diabetes since contributing to prevent many diseases and increasing the absorption of nutrients.

Tips for you

Beans are among a small number of foods containing oxalate. Oxalate is too concentrated in body fluids can crystallize and cause health problems. Therefore, people with kidney disease or gall bladder may need to avoid it.
Buy beans in the market or farmers who sell in fresh condition and you are able to get the best quality choosing their. Choose beans that are bright green colored and textured smooth, free from brown spots or stripes. Save fresh string beans in a plastic bag in the refrigerator shelves. In this way, beans can be stored up to about seven days in the refrigerator.
Before cooking the beans, wash under running water. Cut both ends well with a knife. Beans should not be cooked too ripe. To maintain the phytonutrients, vitamins and mineralnya, you should not boil or sautéing over 5 minutes. Cooking too long also reduces the flavor and eliminate moisture beans, which is necessary to keep it soft and maintaining green color beautiful nascent stars.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Amoksisilin: Uses and effects to it


Amoksisilin antibiotic (amoxicillin) is the most widely used. This is because amoksisilin quickly absorbed in the gut and is effective for many types of infection. Each year, Indonesia import raw materials amoksisilin up to 2,600 tonnes to be processed and marketed as a generic drug or drug brands like Bintamol, Corsamox, Dexymox, Farmoxyl, Bellacid, Kalmoxillin, Lapimex, Ethimox, Opimox, Robamox, Wiamox, Ospamox, Amoxsan, Hufanoxyl, Yusimox, etc.

Amoksisilin can be used for the treatment of infection in the ear, nose, and throat, teeth, skin and structure of genitourinaria, skin, and respiratory tract down by Streptococcus spp, s. pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp, h. influenzae, e. coli, p. mirabilis, or e. faecalis. Amoksisilin is also useful for treatment of acute gonorrhea without complications by n. gonorrhoeae.

Amoksisilin include antibiotics broad-spectrum penicillin group. In addition to amoksisilin, which is included in this group are, among others, as ampicillin may, oxacillin, carbenicillin and piperacillin. All penicillin works with similar mechanisms. Active substances in amoksisilin, beta-lactam antibiotic, preventing the synthesis of cell walls of bacteria by inhibiting the enzyme transpeptidase DD-bacteria. As a result, bacteria cannot breed.
Dose uptake

You can take the tablets/capsules/syrup amoksisilin before, during or after a meal. Dose amoksisilin generally is as follows:

Adults, adolescents, and children (> = 40 kg weight): 500 mg every 12 hours or 250 mg every 8 hours.
Children and infants > 3 months (weight < 40 kg): 20 mg/kg/day, administered in the same dose every 8 hours or 25 mg/kg/day given in the same dose every 12 hours.
Neonatal and infant < = 3 months: maximum dose recommended is 30 mg/kg/day, administered in the same dose every 12 hours.

The dose may vary according to the severity of the infection, antibiotic resistance whether or not there is/, the location of the infection, the goal as prevention (prophylaxis) or treatment, etc. The doctor will weigh rationally how dose that is right for you on a case by case basis.

Amoksisilin should not be used in patients who are allergic to penicillin-hypersensitive/. Patients who have asthma, eczema, hives, or fever may be at risk for hypersensitivity reactions to penicillin and amoksisilin in General.

Amoksisilin should be used with caution if you have:

Disorders of the kidneys, because drugs were dumped through the mechanism of kidney.
Disease, particularly ulcerative channel indigestion, because of the effect it has on the balance of the intestinal flora.
Lymphatic Leukemia, because it can develop a drug rash.
Active viral infections such as CMV and respiratory infection of viral.

There is not enough data to assess the potential danger of this drug during pregnancy. Therefore it is strongly recommended not to use this drug during pregnancy without special consideration of a doctor.

Amoksisilin excreted in breast milk in small quantities. This can lead to the baby having diarrhea (due to disorders of the gut flora), candidiasis, and skin rashes. Like all other medications, potential risks must be weighed with the benefits on mothers.
Side effects

Amoksisilin has some side effects. Most side effects are quite mild, however increased dose and duration of use according to. Most adverse reactions are caused by the fact that amoksisilin not only kill pathogenic bacteria but also good bacteria which is the natural intestinal flora. Tremendous potential side effects include nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion (dyspepsia), rectal itching and allergic reactions

Due to potentially cause side effects, avoid driving or operating dangerous machinery after taking the amoksisilin, unless you feel good.
Interactions with other drugs

Amoksisilin can interact with other drugs, such as aspirin, indomethacin, sulfinpyrazone, allopurinol, probenesid, antibiotic aminoglikosida, fenilbutazon, oxyphenbutazone and birth control pills (there is the possibility of reducing the effectiveness of this pill).
Tips for you
Before starting treatment, read with good information and instructions in the drug's label.
Take your medication exactly as directed by your doctor. Taking the drug until the finish, even if you already feel the infection has gone. Discontinuation of antibiotics in the middle of the road can lead to bacterial infection come back and become resistant.
If you forget to drink the drink immediately after the drug, you remember. Do not take two doses at once.
If you do not feel any improvement after finishing treatment, consultation with the doctor again.
If you develop redness and itching in the mouth or the vagina after taking amoksisilin, talk soon with your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
If you're using hormonal contraceptives such as condoms, contraceptives added is not necessary unless you are sick or having diarrhea. If you need more advice, discuss with your doctor or pharmacist.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Breast Cancer, check your own breasts

Until now, breast cancer is still a scourge that is intimidating to women around the world. Breast cancer in Indonesia is often found in an advanced stage and it is fierce so the effort often encounter barriers to therapy that will obviously affect the life expectancy of the patient. Considering that up to now we have yet to find out the exact cause of breast cancer and how hard the advanced stage breast cancer therapy, which required all women is breast cancer early detection.
Efforts to detect breast cancer early can be done in various ways, including with independent examination, examination by doctors and complementary examinations, such as mammography or breast ULTRASOUND with. Examination by doctors and complementary examination course should be supported by the availability of facilities, manpower and tools and enough medical costs. In Indonesia, where the number of facilities, manpower and medical tools not worth the amount of people, and with the State of the economy are still in Indonesia belongs to the "lower-income country" according to the UN, clear examination by doctors and complementary examinations could not be enjoyed by the whole people of Indonesia. Thus, independent examination which generally is fairly easy and can be done by all women, became a means of detection that will be capable of prosecuting cases of breast cancer in an early stage.

An independent examination of the breasts regularly can be done once a month, in a few days after menstruation, when the breasts are not likely to be enlarged, feels hard and sore. Whereas for women who are menopausal, pick a day that is easy to remember, for example every 1st or 10th of every month. An independent examination of the ways referred to by REALISE (check your own breasts) which is fairly easy and can be done by women all ages. If it becomes a habit, AWARE of it long we will recognize the structure of breast self-so that when there is an abnormality can be immediately known. For the diligent chronicling, breast conditions every month can be noted. This could be some kind of breast conditions and diari map every time. If anyone is AWARE of the perceived abnormal or strange, such women could immediately visit a doctor to undergo further examinations.

Steps in performing REALIZE, namely:
1. start by observing the breasts in the mirror with straight shoulders and arms at waist. To be observed here is the shape, size and color of the breasts, because the average breast change without us even knowing. Changes to look out for are: lined, sunken into or sticks out forward because there is a lump, nipple that turns the position where it should stand out out quite interested in, skin color blush or be abusive and feels pain in perabaan.
2. then lift both arms to see if there is an abnormality in the second breast.
3. while still in front of a mirror, press nipple is there any liquids out (able to be liquid as white as milk, yellow or blood).
4. then lie on a hard surface. When performing breast checks right, put a pillow under the right shoulder. Then place your right hand under the head. Roll out your left hand fingers on the right breast and gently press it with the movement Rotate clockwise. Start at the very top right breast (12 o'clock position) and then move towards 10 o'clock onwards, until returned to the position of 12 hours. After that move the fingers roughly 2 cm close to the nipple. Continue as before until the movement rotate the entire breast tissue, including breast, complete review. Press with fingers are flat and synchronously. Selubungi breast with fingers towards the top to the bottom of, from the collarbone to the upper part of the stomach, from the armpit to the bottom of the neck. Repeat this pattern until the entire breast has been assured that we handle them. Now start on the nipple. Make a circle with the longer counting until it reaches the edge of the breast. Using a finger, make a movement up and down, move horizontally/sideways like he was cutting the grass. When performing the movement, feel the entire breast tissue under the skin with a smooth rabaan up to rabaan a bit more pressing. AWARE of the correct technique using the knuckles of the three middle finger, instead of the fingertips. To note is perabaan to do with little emphasis. Excessive emphasis can cause pressure on the rib cage and it will feel like a lump.
5. Lastly, feel your breasts when sitting or standing. For most women, the easiest to feel her tits when her breasts were wet and slippery, so the most suitable is when you're taking a bath under the shower. Do as in step 4, and make sure that the entire breast has been palpated by hand.

REALIZE each month and examination by an expert and mammography every year is very beneficial to find breast cancer in an early stage. To REALIZE, You help yourself by finding breast cancer early.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Benefits Of Olive Oil

Secrets and benefits of olive oil
For the first time in history, there are sixteen medical experts on the world's best known gathered in Rome on 21 April 1997, to publish some direction and decision together about the theme of "olive oil and Middle White Sea Nutrients".
In a statement, they insisted that consume olive oil can provide participation protect the body from attacks of coronary heart disease, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes and obesity, pain in addition to olive oil also prevents the occurrence of some nutritious type of cancer.

Olive Oil Reduces The Harmful Cholesterol
A variety of research proving the existence of the facts not Assembly sakan doubt, that olive oil lowers the total cholesterol levels and harmful cholesterol, reduce cholesterol content without being useful.
Olive oil reduces the risk of the occurrence of Blockage (Thrombosis) and Thickening of blood vessels (Arteriosklerosis)
In a study published in December 1999 M magazine AMJ CLIN NUTRL researchers stated that rich nutrition content of olive oil can reduce the negative influence of fat in the diet on the blood clotting, and subsequent revenue rangi the artery thickening of the heart.

Olive Oil Lowers Mortality
A study published in the magazine Lanst which is famous on December 20, 1999, show that the State of M poorest in Europe, namely Albania, which has a population of Muslims, has the privilege of at least mortality rate there. Mortality in Albania among men was 41 people out of every 100,000 people, separoh of the State in Britain. It is affected by the consumption of olive oil in the diet of the population of Albania.

Olive oil Reduces high blood pressure-lowering Drugs

A study conducted by Dr. Aldovaroro at the University of Naples Italy and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine Magazine, dated March 27, 2000 M, has held study of 32 patients were exposed to the disease, high blood pressure and those that consume drugs for high blood pressure.
Results of the study showed a decrease in blood pressure levels by 7 points among those who consume olive oil.

Olive Oil Reduces Cancer Attack
The researchers stated that the cause of declining death rates by cancer in the Middle white sea food is due to the inhabitants of the land contains olive oil as the main source of fat, in addition to containing vegetables, fruits, and cauliflower.

Preventing The Onset Of Cancer Olive Oil
Professor Asman, head of the Academy study of Arteriosclerosis at the University, Germany, he Monstar is the world's most prominent researchers in the field of medicine and arteriosclerosis, he said, "Dairy of olive oil can protect the body from a number of other attacks on cancer, including colon cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, although the number of studies is still too minimal."

Olive oil and breast cancer
A study published in November 1995 and carried out against women affected by 3,054 breast cancer, confirms that there is a correlation between the possibility of reverse breast cancer with pengkon-sumsian olive oil, and that many consume olive oil gives participation in protecting someone from breast cancer.
A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine Magazine Edition August 1998 M confirmed that eating dairy dollop of olive oil every day can reduce the risk of breast cancer to the levels of 45%.

Olive oil and cancer of the uterus
British Cancer magazine published in May 1996, M a study which was done against women 145 affected by cancer of the uterus Greece. Researchers correlate between those women affected by cancer of the uterus with the women who consume a lot of olive oil. As it turns out, the women who consume olive oil is much less affected by cancer of the uterus. Where possible the occurrence of cancer in them down to 26%.

Olive oil and cancer of the stomach
A number of modern scientific study showed that consuming olive oil on a regular basis can reduce the occurrence of cancer of the stomach. But it still needed a variety of advanced scientific study on this subject.

Olive oil and cancer of the Colon
There are also some studies that show that peng-konsumsian fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and plays an important role in protecting the body against colon cancer.

Olive oil and skin cancer (Melanoma)

Dertmatdogg Times magazine in August 2000 edition of M study mentions a show that to use olive oil as a skin cream after bathing and sunbathing, would protect the occurrence of skin cancer (melanoma).

Olive Oil Reduces The Incidence Of Gastric Tukak
Dr. Samût, of Harvard University, delivered the Last Congress a study in digestive system Disease Organizations that America was held in October 2000 M.
Dr. Samût confirmed that the nutrients contained in olive oil can have a positive influence in protecting the body from cancer of the stomach and reduce the incidence of diseases of the stomach tukak.

Olive Oil As A Nutritious BREAST MILK

In a study published in the modern month of February 1996 M at the University of Barcelona, Spain, that is committed against a woman of forty, feeding BREAST MILK samples taken from them. The researchers found that most of the fat contained in breast milk, including fat single-chain type. This type of fat is considered the best fats should be consumed by humans, and that's the kind of fat that is contained in the famous olive oil.

Olive Oil Reduces Inflammation Of The Joints

CLIN NUTR AMJ magazine issue November 1999 M-blikasikan a, capable of research done to 145 patients sick sort of contraction and arthritis joints in Northern Greece. They be correlated with 108 people are healthy. In this research look that could give dairy olive oil protects the body from participation in the penya-this kit.

Olive Oil Kill Head Lice
Some studies conducted at several universities and colleges in the United States, about head lice, showing that the use of olive oil as a hair oil are exposed to fleas, within a few hours it can kill lice on the head.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Benefits of postoperative Chemotherapy

Benefits of postoperative Chemotherapy on Elderly person with lung cancer
Administering chemotherapy adjuvan in patients of lung cancer types rather than small cell stage IB-III (non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC) visible increase relapse-free and overall survival in several clinical trials. However, the median age of patients in clinical trials that have ranged from 59 to 61 years of age. Not yet known for sure if the patient was also benefit further against the granting of postoperative chemotherapy (adjuvan therapy).

To answer these questions, conducted observational cohort study involving patients with NSCLC stage II 3324-aged ≥ 65 years IIIA of the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database 1992-2005. As much as 21% (n = 684) of these patients received a platinum-based chemotherapy post-war operations. An analysis of preliminary data showed no difference in demographic factors among patients who received chemotherapy with who received no chemotherapy.

Observed an increase in life expectancy in patients stadium II and IIIA who got the chemotherapy (hazard ratio 0.80; 95% CI,-0.90 0.72). Detailed chemotherapy regimen is not assessed. Age stratification based on analysis shows that the benefits of increased life expectancy was only observed in patients aged category < 70 years and 70 – 79 years of age, but not in patients aged ≥ 80 years. Insidens hospitalization due to serious side effects at higher in patients who received chemotherapy compared to 13.0% not (vs. 6.9%) with odds ratio 2.0 (95% CI, 1.5-2.6). The benefits of giving chemotherapy also observed in patients who received radiotherapy and radiotherapy do not get.

In conclusion, the adjuvan platinum-based chemotherapy was associated with a decrease in mortality and an increase in serious adverse effects on the person with disability-IIIA NSCLC stage II. The magnitude of the benefits comparable to that observed in randomized clinical trials.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Early detection of cancer

One problem often encountered in cancer therapy is a cancer that is found already in an advanced stage. Advanced cancer have a different behavior from early-stage cancer, and would complicate recovery efforts. To increase the life expectancy of cancer patients, cancer patients should be treated as early as possible. Therefore, the cancer needs to be recognized as early as possible. The earlier known, the greater the chance for cure. Because of complaints and symptoms appear until several years the cancer grows, it needs to be increased awareness of cancer and cancer test routine checks done regularly, especially for a high risk for cancer. If there is one let alone both parents, siblings, grandparents who have cancer, these individuals need to be more aware of the possibility of cancer.

Symptoms or characteristics of cancer is often not obvious in the early moments. In general, it takes a long time (several years) before the onset of complaints or symptoms of cancer. Therefore, it is more often recognized too late cancer cases due to complaints and symptoms appear until the cancer reaches an advanced stage.

Complaints and symptoms of cancer according to the organ who have it. Symptoms of uterine cancer led to complaints in connection with the functions of reproductive organs, such as menstrual disorders. Prostate cancer symptoms appear with urinary disorders. Colorectal cancer appears to complaints bowel disorders and abnormalities in the feces.

According to Wan decentralization (2008), at least ten warning signs for a tumor or cancer towards malignancy, namely:
1. In the mammary gland, skin, tongue, or other parts, palpable lump that is not lost.
2. Moles striking changes, such as color changing, rapidly grew in size, itching, hair loose or easily removed, discharge, bleed easily.
3. Disorders in the digestive process that lasts a long time or continuously, and not soon disappear.
4. Time to swallow feels there are obstacles, pain, discomfort or discomfort behind the breastbone, there was a foreign object in throat, or pain in the gut.
5. Ringing in the ears, decreased hearing, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, ripple or issued bloody sputum, headache (continuous), lump in the neck.
6. Abnormal menstrual bleeding, outside the menstrual period, or at the time of menopause arise vaginal bleeding irregularities, also bleed when touched.
7. Hoarseness, dry cough, coughing up blood ongoing or continuous.
8. Stools mixed with blood, mucus, or diarrhea (loose stools), constipation (hard bowel movements) that occur alternately without obvious cause; bloody urine (hematuria) of unknown cause (idiopathic).
9. Wounds that never healed, or healed long ago.
10.Berat loss without apparent cause.

If you experience one or more of the above symptoms, consult your doctor.

With the advancement of science and medical technology, now we do not have to wait until the complaint or symptoms of cancer. Now with the various types of laboratory tests to check blood and tumor markers (tumor marker), many cases of cancer can be recognized already in early stages.

These various tumor marker tests (tumor markers):
• CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen): For colon cancer, pancreas, lung, breast, ovary, bladder, leukemia, thyroid, bone (also elevated in pregnancy, colitis, rectal polyps, ulcers, kidney failure, lung disease , breast cysts)
• AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein): Cancer of the liver, testicles, ovaries, stomach, pancreas, colon, breast, kidney, lung (also increased in infants with neurological abnormalities, hepatitis virus, twin pregnancy, abortion)
• PSA (Prostate-specific antigen): Prostate cancer (also elevated in benign prostate enlargement, prostatitis (prostate inflammation)
• CA 19-9 (carbohydrate antigen): Cancer of the pancreas, liver, lung, stomach, large intestine (also increased in inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder inflammation, gallstones, cirrhosis)
• CA 125: Cancer of the ovaries, cervix, pancreas, liver (also elevated in pregnancy, endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, hepatitis, menstruation, lung disease, heart inflammation, gastrointestinal disease)
• NSE: eyeball, lung, pancreas, thyroid, breast, prostate, digestive, kidney son (also elevated in liver disease)
• BRCA-1 & 2: Breast cancer and ovarian
• EBV IgA-EA: Nose and throat

The emergence of the complaints and symptoms will lead doctors to perform the examination. Starting from the physical examination to find a lump (tumor) and the investigation with the help of x-rays, ultrasound (ultrasonography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT-Scan (computerized tomography scanning), and followed by laboratory examination of blood, urine, stool, cerebrospinal fluid, and biopsies (taking tissue fragments on the suspected type of cancer and then examined the cells under a microscope).

If you experience one or more of the above symptoms, consult your doctor.

Do not let cancer claimed the lives!

The sooner we know, the greater the expectations of our lives!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is cancer arising in the cervix or in the mouth / neck of the womb. Cervical cancer is a type of cancer most of the world's number three. The number of people with cervical cancer in Indonesia is also quite large and has recently increased. Every day found 40-45 new cases by the number of deaths reaching 20-25 people or it can be said every hour an Indonesian woman died from cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is referred to as the "silent killer" because it is difficult to detect cancer development. The course of cancer-causing virus infection to the onset of symptoms occurs gradually, which is about 10-20 years. First, some cells changed from normal to precancerous cells which do not cause symptoms and eventually become a cancer cell will cause symptoms. This process is often not realized. Laila Nuranna doctor, SpOG (K), Chief of Obstetrics Gynecology Oncology Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, said that most cases of cervical cancer are detected have an advanced stage that it is difficult to treat.

Cervical cancer often occurs in middle-aged women. The majority of cases are found to occur in women younger than 50 years. Many women do not know that with the increasing age, are increasing their risk for cervical cancer. This is why it is important for women who have aged to undergo a Pap smear test can detect pre-cancerous cells on a regular basis.

The cause of cervical cancer is infection of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) or human papilloma virus. Approximately 70% of cases of cervical cancer is caused by infection with HPV 16 and 18. Cervical cancer can occur if the HPV infection does not heal for a long time. Moreover, the immune system or immune system is low, the infection raged, and cause cancer cells. The virus can be spread through touch: for example, there is the HPV virus in your hand and touches your genital area, then you can be infected cervical region. Or it could be from the toilet in a public restroom that has been contaminated with the virus.

In addition, there are a number of risk factors or causes of cervical cancer:
• Women aged over 40 years are more susceptible to cervical cancer.
The older the higher the risk.
• Genetic factors play a role not in cervical cancer.
But this does not mean that if your family is free of cervical cancer then you will not be affected! You should still be careful and take precautions.
• Sexual intercourse at a young age too, changing sexual partners, or sex with a man who frequently change partners. HPV virus can be transmitted through sexual contact. If a man having sex with a woman suffering from cervical cancer, and men having sex with you, the HPV virus can be contagious and infect you.
• Having too many children (more than 5 children). By the time you give birth naturally, the fetus will pass through the cervix and cause trauma to the cervix, which can trigger active cancer cells. The more often the fetus through the cervix, the more frequent trauma occurred, the higher the risk of cervical cancer.
• Whitish ongoing and untreated. There are two kinds of discharge, which is normal and not normal. On a normal vaginal discharge, mucus is actually clear, no odor and no itching. If any of these three conditions are not met, it means you are not a normal vaginal discharge. Consultation with a doctor immediately!
• Washing or cleaning genital with unclean water, eg river water or water in public toilets that are not maintained. Dirty water contains a lot of germs and bacteria.
• Use sanitary napkins that contain dioxin (bleach used to whiten the pads recycled from used goods).
• The immune system is weak, the lack of vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid. Smoking also increase risk of cervical cancer.

In the early stages, cervical cancer symptoms are not too obvious. Here are the symptoms found in cervical cancer:
• Pain or bleeding during intercourse,,
• abnormal vaginal discharge
• Excessive Menstruation
• Lack of appetite, back pain or can not stand upright, pain in the muscles of the thigh, one leg swelling, weight up and down, unable to urinate, discharge of urine from the vagina, spontaneous bleeding after menopause, bone is fragile and pelvic pain.

With cervical cancer symptoms are not noticeable and development for a long time, things we can do is try to find cervical cancer at an early stage.
There are a number of methods to detect or find out if you get cervical cancer, among others:
• IVA - Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid.
Acetic acid solution 3% -5% is applied to the cervix would be observed if there are changes in color, such as white patches appear. If there is, then there is the possibility of infection of the cervix and should be carried out further checks.
• Pap Smear or also known as the Papanicolaou test, Pap test, cervical smear, smear test.
Pap smear has many advantages, including: low cost, fast time and accurate results. This test is recommended to be done at least once a year. Results of cervical smears and then examined under a microscope to see if there are abnormal cells, infection or inflammation. Conduct regular pap smears can reduce the risk of death from cervical cancer.
• Thin prep liquid-based method is more accurate than a pap smear, pap smear because it only takes a few cells from the cervix, while the thin prep examine all parts of the cervix. The sample is used as a slide and given a special dye to make it more clear. Special membrane is used to make preparations with thin slices, which will show an infection or abnormal tissue. The accuracy of this method is almost reached 100%.

If you are detected with 'cervical cancer', do not worry. Right now there are a number of methods to treat cervical cancer. In the early stages, cervical cancer treatment carried out by removing parts that have been affected by cancer, for example by electric surgery, laser or cyrosurgery (freeze and remove the abnormal tissue).
For the treatment of advanced cervical cancer, chemotherapy and radiotherapy therapy. At the end stage or severe cases it had to do a hysterectomy, the surgical removal of the womb (uterus) in total for cancer cells that have been developed in the womb does not spread to other parts of the body.

Prevention is better than cure. Therefore, before you get cervical cancer, here are some suggestions for preventing infection with HPV virus:
• Keep health and stamina by the consumption of nutritious foods. Live a healthy lifestyle by eating vegetables, fruits and cereals. Expand the foods that contain vitamin A, C and E and folic acid to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
• Before using the toilet in a public place, always clean the toilet lip with alcohol. Do not clean the genitals with dirty water.
• Avoid sexual intercourse at an early age. Avoid sex with multiple partners because HPV is spread through sexual contact. Avoid having sex during menstruation / menses.
• Avoid smoking, because tobacco use can cause cancer.
• Routine screening of pap smears, or IVA cervical cancer to early detection.
• Vaccination can be performed on women aged 10-55 years with a repeat injection 3 times, namely in the months 0, 1 and 6. HPV vaccine will increase the child so it is more resistant immune to the virus.