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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Help Quick Pick A Heart Attack

"The heart is the organ which is very important for human beings, because the heart is needed to pump blood throughout the body so the body get oxygen and food grains needed for metabolic processes. To that end, the heart needs to be maintained in order to perform its functions properly. Because if there is a disruption of its function, the sudden heart attack can happen anytime and ready the claimed the lives of its victims. "

Current heart disease has become a frightening Specter of Indonesia for the community and the world. Sufferers of heart as if helpless when a heart attack upon. The death of pop icon Michael Jackson and Mbah Surip became evidence of dasyatnya heart attack, whereas the day before they (Michael Jackson and Mbah Surip) appears to be "healthy".

Doctor m. Yamin, SP. JP (K), of a heart attack who spoke in medical terminology known as acute myocardial infarction is indeed often accused as a cause of sudden death. This can be understood because it is generally a heart attack sufferers died before being brought to the hospital. Heart attacks occur due to blockage in the coronary vessels of blood clots.

Coronary vessels are vessels that drains the blood to the heart muscle. Through this vessel, the heart gets oxygen and nutrients so that the muscles of the heart can also contract constantly all day long non-stop. Normal coronary vessels have a smooth wall in, and on a unhealthy coroner, lining the walls of the blood vessels that harden and thicken due to the crust – crust (atherosclerosis). It was centered around Kerak-crust of cholesterol and various cells, including inflammatory cells, leading to blockages.

Blockage of this artery takes blood and oxygen from the heart muscle causing heart muscle is injured. Injury to the heart of this cause chest pain and painful sensations. If blood flow is not restored to the heart muscle in 20-40 minutes could cause death.

Fast Aid

A heart attack is the culmination of a process of disaster damage that lasts a long time. There is a wide variety of early warning signs and sometimes so subtle that many people overlook.

"Sudden heart attack based on or caused by coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is about 80 percent have symptoms, in the sense of perceived by the sufferer. While 20 percent of other patients do not have symptoms, and all of a sudden happened a sudden heart attack, such as chest pain during activity or emotion, "said Dr. Yamin, an alumnus of Syiah Kuala University Faculty of medicine.

According to doctor Yamin, the symptoms of a heart attack can be different for each person. A heart attack probably began with vague pain, discomfort, or a vague sense of tightness in the middle of the chest. Sometimes, a heart attack caused only mild discomfort so often misconstrued as bad indigestion, or even off of the attention at all. On the other hand, a heart attack can present the worst pain I've ever experienced such a tremendous sense of tightness or feeling squeezed on the chest, throat or stomach.

A heart attack, he said, could be about those who formerly known as sufferers of CHD. Sufferers of diabetes, hypertension, hiperkolesterol, and a family history of coronary heart disease with higher-risk having a heart attack than those who had no risk factors. In those with more risk factors, the risk of heart attack increased.

"In the handling of patients who suffered a heart attack sudden required speed. Patients should know that they had a heart attack. If in doubt have doubts, they continue to come to the hospital immediately. Faster, more good to me ndapatkan diagnoses the patient "Dr. Yamin stressed.

Treatment of patients exposed to sudden heart attack, continued Dr. Yamin, was carried out in two ways. First, the patients were given the drug trombolitik or direct drug thinners-clotting blood clotting in the coronary vessels. After it is done pembalonan. The second is Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) primer. On heart patients, in the event of a heart attack, which is accompanied by a State of shock, shortness of breath, heart failure, prolonged pain which cannot be assuaged with the drug, it is a very popular choice primary PTCA.

"For drug trombolitik, the entire medical personnel have been unable to do so. While primary PTCA for acts, not all hospitals do. And the rest of Service medical personnel Integrated Heart At Cipto Hospital (RSCM PJT) is already able to do PTCA primer, "says the man who was taking his doctorate.

Men who have been struggling for years in the world eleven medical tells the story that the primacy of patient handling suffered a sudden heart attack on RSCM is a PJT alignment service. Patients generally suffer from diseases, such as heart disease companion with kidney failure, diabetes, or hypertension. So this makes it easy to service integrated physician to work closely with physicians in other departments or divisions.Get used to Living an orderly and regular Doctor Yamin explained, prevention of heart disease is through upholding primary, where the public is given an understanding of the danger of a heart attack and prevention of early on. That effort could reduce the occurrence of sudden heart attack. All heart patients and the general public in particular needs to be instilled life orderly and regular are entrenched.

Control all risk factors that aggravate heart conditions are already sick with regular medication, diet, disease and strict compliance change lifestyle during this time is not healthy. All daily activities should be scheduled and kept in a timely manner. Meal times, pause, sleeping, working and well organized. Stay away from stress-causing factors and life made more relaxed.

Of course it's not enough to just. Also need to move the body. The most ideal of course walk tergopoh-gopoh (brisk walking) while paying attention to is there any complaints occurred during working. Complaints of chest pain, shortness of breath, and other bad taste should be the instructions to immediately stop whatever activity. Including if appear when being seated. It could be that the shape of a heart attack as well.

Chest complaints during the activity, even when only light activity though at risk for coronary heart disease should be stricken, translated as a form of symptom of coronary heart attack, so that should not be ignored. Abandonment of form heart complaints, the slightest bad impact heart disease, if not directly at the expense of his own life.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Kawasaki Disease

"The majority of our society is not yet know about Kawasaki Disease (KD). But, we have to mewaspadainya, because when the late managed can be fatal. Kawasaki disease also known as mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome is a disease that usually strikes children and toddlers most often at the age of one to two years. The disease is similar at first glance, drug allergy diseases, measles virus infection, or even disease parotitis. Because it's a disease that was discovered by the physician Tomisaku Kawasaki in Japan in 1967 is often wrong diagnosis. "
 Kawasaki disease has three phases, including:

The first phase is a phase of acute. In the acute phase, sufferers have signs such as fever are sudden high and can reach 40 ° C for 5 days or more, eyes are red but no poop, the palms of the hands and feet are red, and there are red spots on the whole body. Lip, oral cavity, tongue, and people with any red or often called Strawberry tongue. In addition people with experience swelling of lymph nodes on one side of the neck, so it is often considered a disease of parotitis (parotitis).
The second phase is the phase of the sub acute. This phase, which began on the day of eleventh day of twenty-five until. In this phase, the fever had already begun to decline and the red spots are reduced. Usually arise Exfoliating skin fingers and toes. In this phase, sufferers experience a complication to the heart of KD in coronary artery disease.
The third phase is the phase of healing. This phase occurs after twenty-five days. On phase in horizontal bands arise on toenails and hands of sufferers called Beau's line.

Dr. Najib Advani SpA (K), MMed. (Paed), consultant Pediatric Heart Disease Kawasaki says many steeped in Indonesia this disease has already started is known since the 1980s. most cases are diagnosed late KD. Whereas the number of cases in Indonesia is estimated to be 5000 KD new cases per year. According to Najib, the man who had been born into a greeting HAVANA since 1996, often patients come too late, in the sense that they've been in the acute phase of the sub where the heart abnormalities has already happened. Patients experienced complications in coronary artery disease in the form of an aneurysm or dilation (at 20-40 per cent of sufferers don't spontaneously heal) with subsequent refinements occurred as a result of coronary artery disease that can lead to fatal myocardial infarction.

"The barriers are not many doctors in the Indonesia who understand this disease. Sometimes parents Kawasaki Disease sufferers who are actively looking for information about this disease. The doctor said this pain and sick of it. But parents who got information from internet asking if her son suffered from Kawasaki Disease ", says Najib is a distinguished alumnus of the University of Indonesia's Faculty of medicine.
Heart Complications

Dr. Najib Advani, head of the Coordination work of the heart child on Indonesia's Bond Pediatrician says, the most worrying thing of Kawasaki Disease is diagnosed when patients being late. Potentially having a heart attack patient coronary removals.He explains this condition were derived from disturbances in coronary blood vessels. State widens blood vessels, weakened, prominent, or aneurysm. Coronary vessel constriction occurs next so that blood flow to the heart muscle will be clogged. As a result the heart muscle is less blood circulation or blood so don't get heart muscle death occurred with the manifestation of a heart attack.

Other changes experienced by sufferers of inflammation (inflammation) of the heart muscle (miokarditis) and the liquid in the bag that surrounds the heart (perikarditis). Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) and inflammation of the heart katuKDatup (valvulitis) can also occur. This can lead to sudden death a few years later. When sufferers can be handled or declared to be healed by doctors, in clinical coronary heart disease can appear later in adulthood.
The cost of expensive

According to Dr. Najib Advani due to unknown cause to KD this time haven't been able to performed precautionary measures. Fortunately there are already remedies to cure KD origin just isn't late. He explained that diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki Disease sufferers should get custody of the children's cardiologists. Patients must be treated in inpatient hospitals and got thoroughly monitoring.

"Examination of the heart becomes very important. Including ECG and ekokardiografi (heart ULTRASOUND). Sometimes ultrafast CT scan, MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) and cardiac catheterization is required in that case. Laboratory examination for the disease is no typical. Usually the number of white blood cells, blood creep rate, and C Reactive Protein (CRP) increased in acute phase, "said doctor Najib Advani.

Drug prices are expensive, he said, become obstacles in the process of healing the patient. Kawasaki Disease patients should consume imunoglobulin need drug two grams per one kilogram of body weight. The price of one gram of IDR revolve around 1.2 million.

"If the sufferer has a weight of 15 Kg for example, means he needs 30 grams of imunoglobulin or costing about 36 million. In addition, patients are also given imunoglobulin salicylic acid to prevent damage to the heart and the coronary vessel blockage, "said cardiologist doctors this kid. He explained, if it does not happen on the healing process, complication of patients can be discharged in a few days. In the case of a late and coronary vessel damage already happened, sufferers need a longer hospitalization and intensive treatment in order to get prevent damage heart more.

Then when the drugs didn't work, sometimes required coronary bypass surgery (bypass coronar), or even, although very rarely, a heart transplant. Death can occur in one to five percent of sufferers are generally handled, and culminated in the late going on 15-45 days after the initial onset of fever. If there is a fever toddlers up to five days, his eyes and his lips are red, the possibility of having Kawasaki Disease. If so then parents need to think about the possibility of bringing his son to the KD and cardiologists children in several major hospitals which have the facilities fully equipped like pemeriksan heart in PJT, RSCM

Friday, September 7, 2012

How to treat acne

Keep in mind that acne is a condition where the skin pore-hole experience that resulted in the blockage of the onset of inflammation. This inflammation usually causes the emergence of pockets of pus in the skin, especially the face. The cause of acne is hormonal changes generally stimulating the production of excess oil glands in the skin, dead skin cells, bacteria, cosmetics, and effects of drugs. Acne usually occurs in teenage age much, but not closed the possibility of also attacking adults.

This one disease often makes the sufferer does not pecaya myself, because the face is tarnished by small bumps are red and yellow. Think not confident is not rarely result in the sufferer is not able to get rid of acne on his face through a shortcut, i.e., break it down with your fingernails. Whereas this can lead to acne scars is black which has to be eliminated.

To avoid or treat facial skin full of acne, it needs powerful ways to remove acne so as not to spread to other parts of the face. First you should know the prohibitions to avoid acne sufferers, because dealing with acne should not be random.
How To Treat Facial Breakouts
In order to avoid acne does not multiply, acne sufferers should really implement tips caring commitment face breakouts:

Don't be too often touch or hold hands is part of acne due to parts of the body which is full of bacteria. Often touching Acne can lead to Acne thrives. Despite the weight, try to avoid the desire to touch the face.
Don't break up the acne, let alone an acne is still new, growing as this can cause inflammation of the skin and causes black stains of acne scars.
Try to keep the selalau facial skin is always clean from dirt, good morning, afternoon, and evening the match with skin conditions.
Avoid discharging material perias cosmetic face or before going to bed.

How to remove acne with natural remedies
Lots of tips on how to cope with acne, one of them by using a natural remedy that comes from plants. Here's how to eliminate acne using natural remedies:
  • Prepare 2 or 3 pieces of papaya leaves an old one
  • Drain the papaya leaves with the sunlight
  • Combine the papaya leaves with water to taste, then crushed and squeezed to take extracts.
  • Apply papaya leaf extract on acne.
How to treat acne with Potent Anti Acne Medicines
The second way was written based on the experience of the author himself. Ancient authors include people, but such spotty acne gradually lost until it ultimately disappeared altogether from the facial skin until now after using the following methods:

Try to keep the skin clean by using a facial cleanser from cucumber fruit extract
Avoid the prohibitions set forth in the above tips
Use acne Acne medicine La Tulipe Series at night before going to bed.
Do regularly and keep the face skin from the prohibitions listed above to the acne really lost.

The second way is indeed mention la Tulipe Acne acne Medicine Series, but did not contain any element of a promotional product acne medications. These Tips are taken because it is true that the way this really did the trick. Hopefully there are powerful acne medications called last still sold until this very second and match the skin of your face.

You might also be interested to know what suits natural remedy to get rid of acne scars or what a powerful natural remedy to get rid of blackheads for you who relieve hardship or blackheads acne scars on the face.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to prevent Rheumatic

Arthritis is a disease that attacks the joints and structures around it. Arthritis can attack the head to toe. Arthritis commonly referred to as arthritis in General disease is characterized by several symptoms, such as swelling, redness, pain in the knees, elbows, wrists and other parts of the joints, muscles and tendons in the disorder. rheumatic symptoms are quite extensive. Rheumatism consists of 150 types. But there are four types of arthritis that most often encountered in our society that is caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis pengapuran out that attack network outside of the cartilage, arthritic inflammation, and arthritis caused by pengeroposan. Rheumatic Diseases A place where rheumatic diseases About 50 percent of complaints of aching joints caused by pengapuran. Pengapuran means the depletion of cartilage tissue that act as bearing joints.
Bearings in the joints wear out that led to bone friction causing pain. Pengapuran is a process of degeneration which began at the age of 40 years. Speed the process of degeneration differs in each person. A person's joints can start trouble in their 40s. However there are people who until the age of 70 's sendinya fine. The slowness of the process last quick is determined by a number of risk factors, among others: quality of cartilage and overweight. Cartilage good conditions will be more resistant to wear.
Like a car tire if the quality is good then the joints not easy though worn long. aus Most types of arthritis afflicting the world's population is reumatoid arthritis (AR) i.e. rheumatoid arthritis, gout (uric acid) which is caused by excessive levels of uric acid in the blood, and osteoarthritis (OR), namely the pengapuran joints. According to dr.Riardi Pramudiyo, SpPD-KR from RS.Hasan Sadikin Bandung, OR joint disease is the most common. These diseases are degenaratif, that number increases with increasing it took ages. Accompanying symptoms include pain in the joints, as do sufferers, or activity when weather changes from summer to winter.
As disclosed, the originator OR Riadi usually because there are other diseases or circumstances. Is not yet known what causes primary, but the causes of the secondary could be because people are overweight, so load that must be supported by the knee is too large, or because of excessive wear of the knee, such as professional football players, he said. Other types of rheumatic fever that many suffered arthritis reumatoid Indonesia society is (AR). The disease is most often attack the age group 20-50 years. A common symptom found is stiff joints when waking and difficult patients move. Rheumatism in people who were prolific generally caused inflammation. This inflammation can be due to uric acid or other causes. Rheumatism due to uric acid is found in many old male 30s and 40s years. This type, according to Dr. Harry Isbagio, occurs due to an excess of metabolism that results in joint purin buried. The cover of this cause pain in the joints. Harry often encountered misunderstandings doctors community regarding uric acid.
Patients often come to consult while carrying uric acid test results. They ask why a normal uratnya acid but doctors diagnose exposed rheumatism. They misunderstand the matter of rheumatism. Not all rheumatism caused gout, he explained. Autoimmune disorders such as Lupus disease including type of arthritis caused by inflammation. In this immune disorder does not function as a virus or bacteria, the exterminator foreign objects that enter the body. Thus immune damage healthy tissue, including existing networks in joints. Likewise with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). The disease including inflammation of joints that cause is still unknown. According to the Encyclopedia of Public Health, there have been indications that genetic patterns responsible for the onset of this disease. RA can strike anyone at any age, including babies.
Inflammatory disease occurred on synovial tissue in the joints. This network serves to make the fluid lubricant of the joints. In RA, the network was patient swells and shows many cells are inflamed. Prevent and treatment of Rheumatism, Abstinence According to current drugs, Riadi on the market no one could cure rheumatic diseases. That medicines only to reduce pain and prevent further joint damage. Rheumatism treatment is usually long-term, he said. If the patient has arthritis strikes until the stage of deformities of the joints (joint deformities) then the total cost of treatment includes expensive, there are even drugs that cost tens of millions of dollars once the injection. Drugs commonly given doctors on patient rheumatic fever among others the analgesic (pain reliever), which can suppress the inflammatory prostaglandins, heresy. This drug has the side effect of gastric disorder. Therefore, the presence of such drugs more specific such as rheumatic celecoxib, greeted excited because it has small side effects on the stomach and kidneys.
The other is a corticosteroid drug, to address inflammation (inflammation) and suppress the immune system so that the inflammation in arthritis is reduced. This can be a form of medicine that cream on the skin or injection of dioles. Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects such as swelling, increased appetite, weight loss, riding as well as emotions are unstable. In addition to medication, to reduce soreness can also be done without drugs, e.g. with ice compresses. "Compress ice can lose pain threshold and reduces enzyme function," Riadi said. Later, many types of vegetables can be consumed with rheumatism, celery juice, for example, cabbage or carrots can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
Several types of herbs can also help fight arthritis pain, such as ginger and turmeric, celery seed, Aloe Vera, rosemary leaves, aroma therapy, or juniper oil can remove swelling in the joints. Maintain ideal body weight is one of the wise steps to reduce pain in the knee joint. Any extra weight burden knee joints and pelvis, and adds to the pain due to arthritis. In addition excess body weight increase the risk of gout. Lightweight sports like foot is helpful to sufferers of rheumatism due to uric acid. This is because the road leg burn calories, strengthens the muscles and build strong bones without disturbing the joints pain. To do sports should ask the opinion of a doctor or therapist, so knowing the best movements. It is advisable to avoid sports that overload the knee. Badminton, volleyball, tennis, jogging, self-defense should not be done. Especially when arthritis type gout was kumat.
Standing too long will cause tremendous pain, he said. In addition to treating, we could also prevent the arrival of this disease, such as not doing exercise in excess, keeping the weight remains stable, as well as to keep food intake is always balanced according to the needs of the body, especially a lot of consuming fish from the deep ocean. If you feel not quite consume sea fish, consuming supplements could be an option, especially those containing omega 3. In omega 3 contained a substance which is very effective for keeping the joints to stay limber. Do not think lightly of arthritic symptoms arise. As soon as the pain began to appear, check with your doctor as soon as possible to detect which one is just sore that is usual or sciatica symptoms of rheumatism.